Considering adoption?

To find out if adoption is something you would consider, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Am I ready to be a parent?
  • Can I provide physically, emotionally, and financially for my child?
  • How do I feel about adoption? Is it right for me?
  • Do I want a relationship with my child without the day-to-day parenting responsibilities?

Making an adoption plan for a child isn’t right for everyone, but it could be the best option in certain circumstances. Why is it such a hard decision? Placing your child for adoption is a tough decision because you love your child and want what’s best for them and yourself.

Adoption Plans

As the birth mother or birth parents (if the father is involved), you decide the best adoption plan for your child. There are three different plans.

Open Plan

This plan means you exchange identifying information with the adoptive couple. You can communicate through letters, texts, phone calls, and potentially personal visits.

Closed Plan

A closed adoption keeps you completely anonymous. After the finalization of the adoption, there won’t be any further communication.

Semi-Open Plan

A semi-open plan lets you remain anonymous while still having the ability to contact the family. A third party, like the adoption agency, handles all communication.

Picking The Adoptive Family

The birth mother chooses the adoptive family. Knowing your child is loved and cared for by the couple you’ve chosen gives you comfort and peace of mind. Your adoption specialist will ask you what characteristics are most important to you.

Do you want your child to be the oldest? To be raised in a metropolitan area? Have a specific religion? You’ll be able to view detailed profiles of potential adoptive families who meet your criteria.

Is Adoption Right For You?

Only you know if placing your child for adoption is the right option for the two of you. We can help you explore this option and refer you to reputable adoption agencies that explain the process.

In many cases, assistance, such as housing and medical costs, is available for women choosing adoption. Schedule an appointment and ask us for details.

Although Fayette PRC supports and encourages clients who choose to make an adoption plan, we are not an adoption agency and do not act as one.