Pregnancy Testing
“I think I’m pregnant.” Those are four words that mean something different to everyone. If you suspect you might be pregnant, now’s the time to come to Fayette PRC for pregnancy testing. Our Pregnancy Test results are certified and can be used to apply for Medicaid or to take to your doctor.
How a Pregnancy Test Works
When a woman becomes pregnant, her body produces a particular hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in her urine. Production of hCG begins right after a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of a woman’s uterus.
A pregnancy test detects hCG in urine. If it’s detected, she’s pregnant. We provide no-cost medical-grade pregnancy testing. Don’t wait or worry – find out today!
What If I’ve Already Taken a Home Pregnancy Test?
Some at-home pregnancy tests are more sensitive than others and detect the level of hCG at different times. Although reliable, women can take them at the wrong time or not follow the directions carefully.
If you want accurate answers or verification of your at-home test result, come to Fayette PRC for medical-grade testing.
Am I Pregnant?
There is a possibility you could have a positive pregnancy test and not be pregnant. The Mayo Clinic reports that up to 20% of known pregnancies end in a natural miscarriage. Other experts say the number could be as high as 31% because many women miscarry before they even know they’re pregnant.
Because of the number of hormones in your body, it takes time to realize you are no longer pregnant. It’s possible to get a positive pregnancy test result for several days or even weeks after a miscarriage.
What Do I Do Next?
If your pregnancy test is positive, a peer counselor will provide information on your pregnancy options. You may also be eligible for a free ultrasound.
If your test is negative, one of our nurses will give you information on the possible reasons for the negative test result and recommend proper medical attention.
Be sure you are pregnant. Don’t worry about pregnancy before you are confident. Get the answers you need. Schedule your appointment for no-cost pregnancy testing today!